My Journey with Essential Oils: From Allergies to Vitality

For years, I struggled with relentless seasonal allergies. Sneezing, congestion, and watery eyes became a part of my everyday life. Over-the-counter medications were my only reprieve, but they often left me feeling drowsy, drained, and far from energetic. I accepted this as my normal, assuming it was simply something I had to endure. Then a blessing came into my life a little over 10 years ago.

This Blessing was the gift of Aromatherapy.

My introduction to Aromatherapy began with the help of a dear friend, Shana, who opened my eyes to the world of essential oils. She recommended starting with a simple yet transformative oil called Breathe. I was instructed to add a few drops to my diffuser and place it on my nightstand. Though I was skeptical, I was also hopeful—and when I gave it a try, I experienced natural relief that I had never thought possible. Within a short period, I could actually “Breathe” so much better, I was in total shock!

All the allergy symptoms started to disappear.

This initial experience sparked my curiosity and inspired me to explore the potential of essential oils more deeply. So, I started reading the science of each of these oils, and I wrote all their benefits down in my little journal. I asked questions and started attending educational courses on the medicinal benefits of these oils. Most importantly, I started using them on myself and my family. The results where much too powerful to ignore, and I felt empowered by these gifts, I knew I could never live without them.

Over time, they not only helped me manage my allergies but also became an invaluable source of support through the hormonal changes brought on by menopause. The positive effects I experienced during this transformative phase enlightened me about the power of aromatherapy to offer natural support and healing.

Today, essential oils are a vital part of my daily life. I use them for skin & hair care, cleaning, cooking, and flavor enhancements, treating wounds, digestive support, Natural fragrance for my home, and boosting my immune system year round and not just during flu season. They have even helped me provide pet care support for my sweet Pug, Penny. My oils are a treasure that has transformed our family’s wellness and life.

I am passionate about helping others experience the incredible benefits of essential oils. My mission is to provide a sanctuary for wellness where you can rediscover balance, embrace healing, and feel your best—all through the natural power of aromatherapy.


“Breathe Happy” Unlocking the Power & Beauty of Eucalyptus.


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